by Rev. Albert Rung



Other praise of praise are the Our Father, the Glory be to God the Father, the litanies of the holy Name and of the Sacred Heart, and the Te Deum.  Prayers of propitiation are the Confiteor, the seven penitential psalms and various acts of contrition.  Any prayer, however, may be used as the vehicle of petition, praise, thanksgiving and propitiation.  The simpler the prayer, the easier its adaptability.  All that is necessary is to say the prayer selected, with one of the above motives in mind, and to keep the thoughts upon this motive while saying the words. The Our Father or Hail Mary, being the most familiar, are accordingly the best suited for these purposes, because the mind, intent upon its motive of prayer, is not disturbed by trying to think for the words.

Prayer thus practiced, at one time with the intention of praising God, and at another of thanking or propitiating Him, does not easily grow monotonous or wearisome.  It is not so often said in routine fashion, and there is a greater love for and pleasure in it.  Prayer ought be regarded not so much as a duty as a privilege.  It ought to bring joy and pleasure, rather than a feeling of irksomeness or weariness.  Prayer should allure us because of it delight, rather than bore us because of its obligation.  Surprise is sometimes expressed because some can pray so earnestly and so long a time without wearying.  They weary not because they have learned how to pray, which can be done only by practice.